
Wednesday, 6 May 2015


I made a Patreon page.

What is Patreon?
I find it's a great place to discover artists and talk about art, much more focused than other forums. At least for now.

I initially joined to give something back to some people who's work I liked and who did most of their work online. One example is Petra Nordlund aka Leppu. I really adore her comic and I've followed it since she first started posting it on deviantArt. I was in fact even following her before she started Prague Race.

She's a student and doesn't have the luxury to devote so much time to a personal project, and for years this wasn't necessarily going to be published. If it ever does I'll be among the first to buy the book! Meanwhile I can give her a small something monthly and hope she can devote more time to this idea.

Another example is Tracy J. Butler. Her "Lackadaisy" story is so incredibly good. Here too I've followed this for several years and bought volume one of Lackadaisy. Tracy is older than Petra and had a full time job as a game designer. Her huge following made it possible for her Patreon page to literally explode and actually permit her to quit her job and work on her books full time.

Not only is this great for her, but it also make a huge difference on the quality of the comic. It was already really incredibly good (I am envious of her skills in drawing expressive animals). But the latest pages are mind blowingly good. People tend to think that illustration is just a hobby that you can do on the side. Well, it can be, but not if you care about quality, it's a full time job and then some.

Now it is perfectly possible to follow an artist on Patreon and not pay a thing that's all up to you. I will show the same things there as I show or on other platforms, just a little earlier. And I will show more WIP's there (for patrons). Stuff that I think would bore a lot of people if they are not really into art and how it's made.

Here's a small sample:

I often do these backgrounds to paint other things on them. And sometimes I just keep them as they are. These are 50 X 70 cm

So, you can keep reading this blog you won't miss out. And you can follow me on Patreon and chat there. And if you are really keen you can even pay some patronage, for which I would be very greateful. I'm not expecting a lot of results, but if I can pay part of my expenses it would already be a huge help.

Thanks for reading me!

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